
Los Angeles, CA 2015

Friday, April 15, 2011

Miss Kyrie, Who is NOT a Baby!

35 lbs (25%-ile)
42 inches (50%-ile)

I love the smirk on Kyrie's face in this photo! It quickly sums up Kyrie at age 5 with more than enough sass to spare! That's my girl!
I am very proud of all the great things that Kyrie can do now. Just yesterday, we were doing lessons and she totally rocked out an addition mini-book: illustrating the number sentences, writing her numerals and reading the number sentences aloud. She knows almost all her upper- and lower-case letters, too, which means that she can identify, write and say their sounds. She gets very upset when I tell her that she can't read yet or that she can't play Scrabble on the computer with me. She takes art classes, swimming lessons (she moved up a level this spring) and dance. In a few weeks, she will try out a gymnastics/cheerleading class.
Kyrie had her 5-year check-up today, and she was very brave when she had to get three shots. This has been the cause of a lot of anxiety for several months. We have talked a lot about bravery and people we know who are brave (real and fictional). We have talked and talked about these shots, and she really did show her bravery when the time came. Despite the shots, it was a good appointment. Kyrie really enjoys talking to her pediatrician. And the pediatrician declared her healthy, though we will be getting a referral to see a speech therapist in the near-future to check out some of Kyrie's pronunciation issues (she has trouble with the "th" sound and r-controlled vowels).

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