
Los Angeles, CA 2015

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Funday Muddy Funday

 Sigh... After several days of heat we finally had a nice rainstorm, and after dinner Kyrie asked if they could go out to play in the puddles. I sent them out while I cleaned up after dinner. Should I really have been surprised when I looked out later and found them not playing in rain puddles, but giant mud puddles?!
 Normally mud puddles wouldn't be that big of a deal, but our neighbors are doing major reconstruction on their house and they have giant, mud puddles behind their house. As you can see from these pictures, Kyrie was literally covered head-to-foot in mud. Sigh... I put her under the backyard hose to try to get as much of the mud off as possible, in hopes of keeping as much of it out of the house as possible. Then I ran a bath and carried both kids up the stairs to put them in the tub (my just scrubbed, very clean tub).
 Though I was upset at the massive mess, I was proud that I didn't get angry with the kids over their fun. I had not specified 'no mud puddles,' so I couldn't get too upset, right?! Can you see the worry in their little faces above, and then their happiness in the bath pictures below, their "look what mischief we got away with" faces! This bathwater got so dirty, and it left behind a layer of mud in the tub.

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