
Los Angeles, CA 2015

Friday, June 3, 2011

Finding Our Way

 On the road heading east to Virginia, we make our official start of summer. Just when we think we can't take another mile in the car, our eyes have been scanning the roadway to catch sight of our favorite rest stop not too far ahead. Pulling up the hill, we start to grin a bit easier and prepare to jump out of the vehicle as soon as we can. Our picnic table is empty and the cool, green woods beckon. Perfect!
 The kids hurry through their lunches anxious to venture up the hill to the woods. They are more adventurous than last year and head farther up the path on their own as Darren & I glance at them from our conversations and lunches. They find mounds of moss as soft as a pillow and try them out.

 The frustration over the morning's cramped quarters eases as sister & brother settle into the playfulness of siblings at peace. Can we capture this moment in more than a picture?

 Daddy knows the way to go, and the kids are eager to follow him to new adventures. These short paths are the same as they have always been, but each visit we feel the same excitement we did the first time. Leaving the roadway and the cars behind, who knows what we will find today?

 We let the kids run ahead to scout out their own adventures & challenges, then catch up to share in their discoveries or offer reassurance that the path is safe when taken with courage & caution. This is not just the path we walk twice a year in these woods, but the path we walk daily.

 Kyrie asks us what might be in the woods with us today, and we tell small tales of bears, birds, fairies and elves. Too soon we near the end of our path and must turn back towards the road.

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