
Los Angeles, CA 2015

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Big Boy Bed

My baby boy is fast becoming my big boy and leaving behind the trappings of babyhood. We took another big boy step this weekend when I transformed his crib into a toddler bed. Earlier in the week, I removed his crib tent (a zippered, mesh covering that kept the cats out and Degen in) and lowered his mattress after discovering that he was getting in & out of his crib regardless of either. My first thought was that lowering the mattress would be enough to keep him in the crib, but it was not. Though getting out of his crib has not been a problem at night, I worried about him getting hurt when he played during the day. So, I decided that it was time for the toddler bed.

As I started taking the crib apart, I was a bit worried about how this would change bedtimes and nighttimes. I was thinking back to this transition with Kyrie and how we struggled for weeks to keep her in her bed. My thoughts also lingered around this change in our lives as our baby boy is growing up and our family moves forward with no plans for more babies.

I love watching my babies grow up, as bittersweet as it can be. I love their new discoveries and abilities and all the possibilities that lie ahead. My heart aches with joy when I see photos or think of my darling babies so small & new, but also overflows with delight when I think, "And what will we do next?" How can I not be excited when I imagine all the things that we will experience together? Even while taking apart the crib, I was thinking to myself, "The next time I put this crib together, it will be for my future grandbaby." Wow! Though I want them to do so much before then, I cannot help but smile when I think about the love and adventure, the moments big & small that make up a life well-lived, and even the little bundles of joy in my kiddos' futures... we just have to get through the night, right? Well, how about 10,000 more nights before they make me a grandma!?! Ha!!!

Thankfully, our first night was as normal as any other night. He went to bed easily and when he woke during the night, he stayed in bed. Even this morning when he awoke, he stayed in bed and called for me. Whew! I am relieved and hopeful that this will continue.

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