Kyrie completed another year as a Girl Scout, her first as a Brownie. This was a great year for Kyrie as she continues to grow & learn and build relationships within her troop. She has been with several of these girls for the past three years and truly embraces the concept of being a sister to every Girl Scout. Her troop has four amazing leaders who do their very best to give these girls a wonderful scouting experience.
This year, after recognizing the troop's accomplishments, the troop's leaders took a moment to recognize each girl for their individual scouting achievements. Kyrie was honored with a badge for courage in relation to her experience with her tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy. This badge was chosen for her by her troop leaders, and we were very proud she received this recognition. Kyrie also received her My Promise/My Faith pin and was recognized for the badges she earned at home, including: My Family Story, My Best Day, Household Elf (Conservation) and Pets. We look forward to completing more badge work over the summer as enrichment to our homeschool units. Lastly, Kyrie was recognized as being her troop's top seller for cookie sales. We want to thank all our neighbors, co-workers, family & friends who supported Kyrie during cookie season. Her troop was able to purchase camping equipment with the funds raised, and the girls are looking forward to a 'practice' backyard camp-out in June.
The end-of-year banquet is a wonderful opportunity for the troop's families to get together and share in the friendships are girls have built throughout the year. It is also a time when we can express our gratitude to our troop leaders. We look forward to another amazing year of Girl Scouts ahead!