
Los Angeles, CA 2015

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Disney on Ice

After a couple not-so-great weeks of illness and car issues (a hit & run at the rear of the van and falling ice damage to the hood), I perked up when I saw a commercial for Disney on Ice. We had never been, but tickets didn't seem too expensive, so I got on-line to find out more. After finding a coupon code, I made our purchase for lower-level seats, Sunday afternoon.
After a horrible night with Degen (over-tired, he woke screaming nearly every hour), we had to rush out of the house to make lunch and the show. Our plans for lunch didn't go quite as planned because of the show crowd, but ended up even tastier with a change in venue. Then we headed for the arena. Kyrie sat on Darren's lap and I held Degen. After about a 15 minute wait, the show began. It was exciting from the start, a revue of some of Disney's best which included most of Kyrie's favorite characters. I frequently turned to watch her face bathed in the technicolor glow of the stage lights, she was entranced sometimes singing along to her favorite princess songs. Darren and I would hold glances and smile at our children's delight. The costumes were wonderful, the skating impressive and the cotton candy expensive ($10 for a bag with a bonus Mickey Mouse ear crown). It was a great afternoon!
The best part came after bath this evening when instead of pajamas Kyrie brought me her Alice in Wonderland dress. "Hurry, Mommy, the show's about to start, the princesses are waiting for me." As I zipped up her dress and tied the bow on the apron, she excitedly told me that she was ready to skate in the show with the other princesses. She ran and got a pair of dress-up shoes that would be her skates. Then found a space of wood floor not covered by a rug and started to "skate." The perfect end to a great experience!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it was a great time- I'm sure Kyrie will talk about this for a long time!
