
Los Angeles, CA 2015

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Kyrie a L'Ecole Francaise

The last week of July, Kyrie spent at French day camp at L'Ecole Francaise. This was Kyrie's first all-day 'school' experience. I was just the teensiest bit nervous about leaving her for the whole day, but she did very well and had a great time! She was in the elementary kids' class, which means that she did not have a rest time in the afternoon and she got to go to a nearby public pool to swim on Tuesday & Thursday.

I think that the hardest part about French Camp was getting up to get Kyrie to school by 9:00. The above picture shows Degen's opinion on the early morning drive... a boy after my own heart! In spite of being a night owl herself, Kyrie handled the earlier mornings quite well. Mostly because she was excited for day camp. However, towards the end of the week she told me that she had experienced some pangs of homesickness during the days' quiet times and missed Degen & me. (I am so grateful that we homeschool, and she doesn't have to be anxious about things like that on a daily basis.)

As most of you know, I teach Kyrie vocabulary-based lessons in French as part of our homeschool curriculum. She also attends the Ohio German Language School on Saturdays during the school year. I have a degree in French, and Darren has a degree in German... I took the picture above just to sort of remind Darren how "superior" the French language is compared to German! (Of course, I am kidding!) One of the things we love about German school is that it has given Kyrie a cultural and real-world reference for the German language. It was our hope that day camp at L'Ecole Francaise would help do the same for her experience with the French language. Kyrie LOVES nearly all things international, and we were very happy to have her come home excited to want to try French foods and visit France! Her experience at L'Ecole Francaise was a wonderful support to the work we do at home all year long! Below are pictures of a few of her activities from during the week:

This is the back of the 'postcard' from the photo above. Kyrie is fairly obsessed with the idea of visiting the Eiffel tower.

Ah, money well spent! Of course, eating lunch was Kyrie's favorite part of day camp! Sigh...

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