
Los Angeles, CA 2015

Monday, June 21, 2010


We've kinda had one of those weeks or so. I finally turned on the AC last week because the mix of sun & rain made it too humid to get the house comfortable. The next evening, I went down to the basement and found water all over the floor around the furnace. The HVAC guy came out, and it turns out that there is a drain hose that we didn't know about that was just coiled against the wall instead of sitting over the floor drain. Unfortunately, the water spilled all over the motor and burned it up. $$$ New furnace motor and capacitor were installed. $$$
The bathroom was finally completed at the end of last week, and it's really, really nice. I would love to take some photos and post before & after shots, BUT our camera didn't fare well after our last trip to the beach in San Francisco and does not work at all now. $$$ We need to get a new digital camera as we are missing many photo opportunities with the kiddos this month. $$$
As the workers were leaving the completed bathroom, they told us that the sinks were not draining well because of the old, galvanized pipes in the wall. I guess that they are notorious for getting gunked up (the pipes, not the workers). At first, the sinks just drained really slowly, but after a few days they stopped draining altogether. $$$ The plumber came today and he said that they will need to cut a hole in Kyrie's closet to replace all the pipes with new plastic. $$$
I'll also include something that is NOT kaput, but fits with the theme of this post: our aquarium. We got a great deal on an aquarium from a friend, but it needs all the stuff that actually makes the aquarium more than just a glass box. On Father's Day, we headed to an aquarium shop to check out some of the equipment. $$$ We walked out with everything but plants and fish. $$$
Now, I need to go turn off all the lights, turn up the thermostat and cut some coupons!

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