
Los Angeles, CA 2015

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Goodbye... Hello

The past month has been incredibly busy. The past few weeks have been incredibly exhausting. The past few days have descended into chaos. We are currently surrounded by the disarray of boxes and furniture in our new home. Moving took more than 12 hours and we ended up driving around Columbus near midnight looking for a hotel room. We were grateful for the brief respite from the chaos.
Darren and I spent the previous weekend working from morning until late at night trying to finish our share of painting and repairs at the new house. My hands are still swollen from gripping paintbrushes and rollers for so many hours day upon day. The walls are painted, but the bathroom (our only full bath) is still undone and the kitchen is unusable as it is currently being prepped for tile and has become a collection point for all remodeling refuse. Luckily, we were able to shower and bathe the kids during the several trips we made to the rental to finish gathering odds & ends. Now the keys have been handed over, and there's no turning back. 
Walking up the stairs in the rental, there was a small moment of quiet and I reflected on the old house. When we arrived nearly five years ago, we were but children. Yes, I was in my late-20s and fully ensconced in the responsibilities of marriage and the working world, but still there is a freedom and youthful spirit that exists before your life becomes your children's. In this house, I grew my children from seed and kept their newborn bodies tucked closely to me as I walked the halls. I found just the right way to rock & sway so that the floors would not creak and watched their happy play in the bath. In this house, I folded away my youth and took from its closets the clothes of motherhood as I built cribs and placed our family memories in frames on her walls. This was a good house.
But this new house shall be our home.

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